Освітня програма
Літній табір: Протягом 2-х тижнів українські тінейджери навчатимуться у супроводі інструкторів-менторів з MIT за спеціально розробленими освітніми програмами, в основу яких покладені навчальні матеріали MIT. У майбутньому, озброєні новими знаннями та навичками, тінейджери працюватимуть над розробкою індивідуальних чи командних проєктів у супроводі своїх менторів з MIT.
Навчання впродовж року: Кожен з учасників проєкту матиме особистого ментора з MIT, відповідно до сфери своїх професіональних інтересів. Протягом року тінейджери навчатимуться разом з ментором, використовуючи освітні ресурси MIT, що доступні через MIT OpenCourseWare. Учасники проєкту зустрічатимуться зі своїми менторами, іншими учасниками та представниками академічної спільноти MIT. Протягом цих сесій-зустрічей тінейджери будуть обговорювати самостійно опанований навчальний матеріал та розбирати складні питання, які виникли в них у процесі навчання.
Літня програма 2023
- Frontiers in Technology
- Professional Skills I: Presentation Skills
- Professional Skills II: How to Win Friends and Influence People
- Introduction to Economics
Два курси з МІТ, що обираєш на базі власних інтересів та сфери розвитку
- Development of Individual or Team Projects
- Individual and group sessions with MIT mentors
- Offline meetings with ULTA participants
- Advanced Courses: To Be Announced
Літній табір 2023
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A 2 week in person summer camp, where Ukrainian students connect with and learn from MIT students. Emphasizes state of the art ideas in technology, and professional skills necessary to build a successful career. In summer 2023, we will offer four academic courses:
State of the Art in Technology (20 hours)
Overview of the latest and greatest advancements in various fields of technology, including Artificial Intelligence, Bioengineering, Virtual and Augmented Reality, Blockchain, and Cybersecurity. MIT students, and guest lecturers from MIT will provide insight into the cutting-edge research and real-world applications of these technologies, highlighting their impact and potential for shaping the future.
Goal: Develop the ability to critically assess the impact of emerging technologies, are equipped to take advantage of them. Students decide on the areas they want to gain expertise in the future.
Professional Skills I:
Presenting Ideas (20 hours)
Focuses on teaching students practical and effective techniques for delivering presentations in a professional setting. The curriculum covers areas such as body language, voice projection, storytelling, and visual aids. Students will have the opportunity to practice their skills in a supportive and realistic environment, receive feedback, and hone their delivery style. This course culminates with student-designed and performed presentations introducing their project ideas.
Goal: Learn practical techniques to confidently deliver effective presentations in professional settings.
Professional Skills II:
How to Win Friends And Influence People (7.5 hours)
Participants will learn how to build meaningful relationships, communicate effectively, and influence others through a range of proven techniques and strategies. Topics covered will include active listening, empathy, and the art of persuasion. The course will be interactive, with opportunities for participants to practice and receive feedback on their communication skills.
Goal: Master effective communication techniques to build relationships, influence people, and enhance interpersonal skills.
Introduction to Economics (7.5 hours)
Provides a foundational understanding of the economic concepts that shape our world. The course will cover key microeconomic concepts such as supply and demand, market structures, consumer behavior, and market failure. The course will use case studies to help students understand and apply economic concepts, leaving them better equipped to make informed decisions as consumers and citizens.
Goal: Acquire a foundational understanding of microeconomic concepts and their real-world applications. Learn to apply key economic concepts to real-world situations.
Навчання впродовж року
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Два курси з МІТ, що обираєш на базі власних інтересів та сфери розвитку
Students have ample time to learn and digest highly technical material, as taught rigorously at MIT.
- Course Selection: During summer camp, students connect with mentors to discuss potential study areas for the yearlong program. Mentors share their experiences with various MIT classes, enabling students to make informed decisions on their courses of study.
- On the final day of camp, students meet with mentors to select two courses (one per semester) for the yearlong program, choosing from five available options on MIT’s OpenCourseWare website.
- The yearlong program begins three weeks after summer camp, with students grouped by class and paired with a mentor.
- The first semester runs from September to December. Students engage with course materials through MIT OpenCourseWare and MIT edX, both individually and as a group. Mentor meetings occur every two weeks to discuss progress and address questions.
- The second semester spans January to April, following the same structure as the first semester.
- Upon completing both semesters, students successfully finish the yearlong program, having gained valuable knowledge and experience in their chosen courses.
Outcome of Yearlong: Students deepen their technical knowledge, familiarize themselves with MIT’s class structure and work/study ethics, and develop essential technical skills to apply in projects during Summer Camp 2.
Літній табір ІІ
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Summer Camp 2 focuses on a two-week collaborative personal project between students and their MIT mentors. After completing the yearlong program, students will generate project ideas through discussions with mentors, utilizing their newly acquired skills. Students are expected to dedicate approximately seven hours a day to their projects. A final presentation of the projects will take place on the last day of camp.
Goal: Collaborate with MIT mentors to apply newly acquired skills in developing a personal project during a two-week period.
Outcome: Successfully complete a personal project that demonstrates the practical application of skills gained throughout the ULTA program and present it on the final day of camp.
More details to be announced in the future!